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Blog Side Effects of Green Tea That Probably A Few People Know
side effects of green tea

Side Effects of Green Tea That Probably A Few People Know


We all appreciate the benefits of green tea, and almost everyone enjoys drinking it, whether for the pleasure of it or to reduce weight or belly fat. However, have you ever tried to find out that it can also have negative effects on health? Take a look at the health side effects of green tea.
First, let’s take a brief look at the benefits of green tea.
In the world, there may be no healthier beverage than this because everyone believes that green tea is the best for improving brain function and preventing age-related memory issues. It also aids in cancer prevention and is counted among the active components in weight loss. If you ask me for one word to describe this tea, it’s “antioxidant.” Its additional benefits include excellent dental health and a strong immune system. It also helps in treating diabetes. In fact, you’re understanding my point, aren’t you? Green tea has numerous benefits. But there’s another aspect that you may have forgotten, and maybe I have too – its side effects.
How can green tea be harmful to you?
How? I mean, how? First, it’s about caffeine. You know that green tea is just a type of tea, and all teas contain caffeine. This is the first thing we need to understand. Excessive caffeine intake can lead to anxiety, restlessness, and irritability, especially in individuals with low tolerance or those who get angry quickly (let’s call them green tea-sensitive). Green tea can interfere with the body’s ability to absorb iron. Now, this is a problem. Iron deficiency can lead to serious health issues, and you certainly don’t want that, do you? If someone is taking medications and also consuming green tea, it’s essential to know that green tea can interact with certain drugs, resulting in very unpleasant consequences. Research has shown an association between green tea and cancer prevention, but this is also the case with dementia and Alzheimer’s. Another study suggests a negative relationship between green tea consumption and low cholesterol levels.

In fact, you’re understanding my point, aren’t you? There are many contradictions. Excessive consumption of green tea, which can increase your caffeine intake, may lead to insomnia, digestive issues, palpitations, restlessness, etc. These effects are more pronounced in people who suddenly start consuming excessive green tea (or let’s say, they “overdose” on green tea). In other words, if you’re sensitive to caffeine, you’ll experience its negative effects more quickly. According to research, a daily caffeine intake of 400mg (roughly four cups of coffee or ten cups of cola or energy drinks) is considered safe for adults.

Alright, now let’s get to the real topic, which is a detailed look at the side effects of green tea. But before moving forward, I want to make one thing clear to you that if you consume regular green tea in moderation, meaning an appropriate amount, it won’t harm you in any way. But excess. Remember that excessive use of anything is harmful, even if it’s a fruit. So, if green tea is causing harm to someone, it’s possible that the person is overdoing it, or they might be drinking low-quality green tea, or it’s also possible that the individual is caffeine-sensitive.

The Side Effects of Green Tea:

Are there really side effects of green tea? You might be surprised, thinking why green tea is harmful for you. Here, you are being made aware of the astonishing health risks associated with green tea. Let’s discuss.

(1) Stomach Issues

Green tea contains the highest amount of caffeine among all types of tea. Although it has a lower caffeine content compared to other beverages, it can still lead to stomach problems. The reason is that it increases the level of acid in the digestive process, which can cause pain and nausea. In addition, green tea is often mentioned for its potential benefits in preventing cancer, especially gastric cancer. However, research indicates that information on this subject is insufficient. According to a report released by the University of Rochester Medical Center, if you experience stomach pain after consuming green tea, it’s advisable to consult your doctor immediately.
side effects of green tea

(2) Iron Deficiency and Anemia

According to a study in Taiwan, excessive consumption of green tea can lead to iron deficiency and diseases like anemia. The more critical issue is that after having a meal rich in iron, the important components in green tea, when combined with iron, reduce its antioxidant ability. EGCG is an essential component found in green tea. It inhibits an enzyme known as myeloperoxidase, which is responsible for inflammation. However, when green tea is consumed along with iron-rich foods, EGCG hampers its anti-inflammatory properties, resulting in inflammation. In other words, it’s not just what you eat but also what you consume along with green tea that determines its benefits. Green tea also contains tannins, which hinder the absorption of iron and other supplements consumed in meals. Some sources suggest that adding lemon to green tea during consumption or eating it alongside meals can counteract this issue. Further research reveals that green tea obtained from tea bags can reduce the absorption of iron (up to 64% less). To mitigate this effect, it’s recommended to consume green tea an hour before or after meals and increase the intake of vitamin C-rich foods, as vitamin C aids in iron absorption.
side effects of green tea

(3) Headaches

Once again, pointing the finger at caffeine, green tea provides guidance from mild to severe headaches. Headaches can also be due to iron deficiency, as we mentioned earlier, which can result from excessive consumption of green tea. In addition to headaches, dizziness can also be possible with green tea. According to research, a person can tolerate an excess of a standard green tea (with very low caffeine content), which is about 9.9 grams per day… roughly equivalent to 12 cups.
side effects of green tea

(4) Insomnia

Another side effects of green tea is sleeplessness, or the inability to sleep. Decreasing green tea consumption can change this condition. Consuming green tea very late in the day or near bedtime can lead to insomnia because the caffeine in green tea stimulates the nervous system and disrupts sleep. Importantly, pregnant and nursing women should exercise caution when using green tea because it can cause insomnia in breastfed babies as it gets incorporated into the mother’s milk. According to a report from Southern Illinois University, excessive consumption of green tea is linked to several sleep-related issues.
side effects of green tea

(5) Irregular Heartbeat

Bringing caffeine into the conversation again, it is worth noting that caffeine is also known to stimulate the heart. It increases the rate of heartbeat, leading to an irregular or erratic heart rhythm, a condition known as tachycardia. In this condition, it feels as though there is a palpitation or missed beats in the heart, and you may experience an unusual awareness of your heartbeat. This irregularity in heartbeats poses a significant risk. According to a report from the University of Utah Health, if you have heart disease or experience irregular heartbeats, you should reconsider the use of green tea capsules.
side effects of green tea

(6) Diarrhea, Loose Motions, or Gastrointestinal Distress

If you’ve recently started drinking green tea, you may experience diarrhea or loose motions. Loose motions are mild side effects of green tea consumption, and this issue will gradually resolve as you become accustomed to drinking green tea regularly.

Consuming excessive amounts of green tea can also lead to diarrhea, so reduce your green tea intake to prevent diarrhea. Another approach is to avoid drinking green tea on an empty stomach. It’s better to consume green tea after having a meal because the food in your stomach can mitigate the adverse effects of caffeine in green tea, preventing issues like diarrhea.

If you experience severe diarrhea, discontinue green tea consumption and consult a doctor immediately. While mild diarrhea is common, severe diarrhea is not. According to the US National Library of Medicine, green tea is one of the herbs that contain caffeine, which is a fundamental reason for diarrhea. Besides diarrhea, green tea can also cause gas in the stomach.
side effects of green tea

(7) Chest Burning

Green tea is acidic, and it can lead to a burning sensation in the food pipe due to acid reflux or heartburn. The situation can worsen if an individual is already prone to acid reflux or heartburn.

While regular green tea may not be that potent, some types of green tea available in the market, particularly those with a stronger, tangy taste, can be potentially harmful to your health. Nowadays, there are green teas that have a sharp, acidic taste. If you want to use green tea capsules, consult your doctor first because the green tea extract in capsules can exacerbate symptoms of heartburn.

Furthermore, always purchase high-quality tablets exclusively from reputable health food stores.
side effects of green tea

(8) Blood Clots

The presence of caffeine in this tea can increase the risk of blood clotting. If you have concerns about blood clotting issues, it’s advisable to avoid the consumption of green tea. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, when green tea is combined with aspirin, it can inhibit blood clotting. Using both of these substances together can elevate the risk of bleeding.
side effects of green tea

(9) Glaucoma

Black tea contains caffeine, and so does green tea. If you consume both of them together, the risk of caffeine’s adverse effects doubles. Within 30 minutes of consuming them, the pressure in your eyes increases and lasts for up to 90 minutes. Further research suggests that the use of green tea or its extract can significantly affect women suffering from glaucoma.
side effects of green tea

(10) High Blood Pressure

Green tea contains flavonoids, which are rapidly absorbed and considered healthy substances. When combined with caffeine found in tea, they can cause a sudden but temporary increase in blood pressure levels. Several studies indicate that green tea can elevate the rate of blood pressure, although this increase doesn’t raise significant health concerns. However, it’s clear that green tea is not a safe or reliable way to control blood pressure levels.

According to another Chinese research, green tea tends to have higher caffeine content in larger amounts, leading to more than usual increases in blood pressure levels, which can result in high blood pressure. Caffeine briefly but dramatically increases blood pressure levels. Experts explain that this occurs because caffeine blocks a hormone that keeps blood vessels wide. It’s also believed that caffeine stimulates the adrenal glands to produce more adrenaline, leading to increased blood pressure levels. The side effects of green tea are generally more pronounced in overweight individuals or those aged 70 or older.
side effects of green tea

(11) Liver Disease

These days, green tea is being marketed as a supplement for weight loss. Although there is very little evidence supporting green tea’s role in weight reduction, there are several side effects, including liver damage. According to a study in New York, green tea extract is one of the herbal plants and dietary supplements that can cause liver injury. People who consume it in larger amounts for weight loss may be at risk of liver disease.
side effects of green tea

(12) Osteoporosis (Bone Disease)

Caffeine prevents the absorption of calcium in the body. It also increases the rate of calcium excretion from the body, resulting in a condition of reduced calcium levels in the bones. Although this is usually temporary, prolonged and excessive consumption of caffeine, such as with green tea, can potentially lead to osteoporosis. Excess caffeine can also act as a source of oxidants, which can have negative effects on the bone system.
side effects of green tea

(13) Kidney Issues

After conducting studies, it has been established that many polyphenols, which are known to help prevent cancer and heart disease, can also potentially harm the kidneys if used in excessive amounts. According to experts, individuals who use green tea supplements, in particular, should engage in regular physical exercise.
side effects of green tea

(14) Infertility

One study suggests that excessive consumption of green tea can lead to fertility issues. This is because green tea minimizes the expression of embryonic and larval genes. The study also indicates a reduction in the ability to conceive. In another study, a test group was subjected to green tea, resulting in a significant decrease in serum testosterone levels. The use of green tea was also explored to prevent the increase of fruit fly populations, and similar effects may be possible in humans.
side effects of green tea

(15) Side Effects of Green Tea in Pregnancy:

Because green tea contains caffeine, and since caffeine is a diuretic, it’s essential to limit its intake during pregnancy. Caffeine can affect the body’s water balance. Hydration is crucial during pregnancy, while caffeine, which is a diuretic, can pose a problem. Excessive fluid loss can disrupt the body’s electrolyte balance.

According to a study conducted by obstetricians and gynecologists at an American college, a pregnant woman should not consume more than 200 milligrams of caffeine in a single day. What’s more critical is that caffeine is one of the few substances that cannot be metabolized or used by the fetus. The study suggests that pregnant women who consume green tea may be at increased risk of birth defects, such as spina bifida.

Furthermore, green tea reduces the availability of folic acid, which is essential during pregnancy. Although the caffeine content in green tea is 30% to 60% lower than in coffee, it is advisable to avoid its consumption during pregnancy because it can interfere with various metabolic processes.

The University of Maryland Medical Center advises pregnant women and breastfeeding women to avoid using green tea. Excessive consumption of caffeine or green tea during pregnancy may also be a cause of miscarriage. Many studies are available on the side effects of green tea during pregnancy. While some studies suggest that limited consumption of green tea is acceptable, it is advisable to consult with a doctor about this matter.
side effects of green tea


In conclusion, understanding the side effects of green tea is essential for responsible consumption. While it offers numerous health benefits, it’s crucial to be aware of potential adverse effects, especially during pregnancy. Balance and moderation are key to harnessing its advantages safely.


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